What I'm not offering

I have relied heavily on my science background to deal with some health problems. That has strongly influenced my choice of science reading, and I intend to share some of what I read here. I've been especially interested in nutritional biochemistry.

But, the human body is a complicated system, each individual system is unique, and there are a lot of practical and ethical constraints on studying that system. My handling of any given topic will attempt to include a healthy amount of respect for that complexity and for the limitations of a given method of investigation. There will be no statements like, "We should all be eating a pound of x a day," or "Doing y will make you lose weight," or "Doing z will cure your migraines." They will probably look much more like, "Doing w produced v results in u model organism. Here's why this is interesting ..."

There will also be no statements that begin along the lines of, "Why don't you just ..." or "Everyone should just ..." If I make a choice in my life, and it works out well for me, there is probably some kind of privilege at work. Some avenue open to me that probably isn't open to every single human or wouldn't necessarily work out the same way even if it is. I will do my best to be mindful of that.

Oops! My post is a day late from the goal I had set. I'll keep working on that, because setting goals seems to be constructive for me.

Next blog post: Tuesday, 9 October, 2018

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