How to suck at cleaning

After we had exchanged a few stories, a friend of mine commented, "When you need money, you just find something to clean, don't you?" And he was right. I do tend to be drawn to cleaning jobs. they suit my temperament. Once my hands get into the flow of things, my mind can go anywhere. Cleaning jobs give me space to think.

Every cleaning job has a daily routine - things that need to be taken care of every day. Bathrooms, trash, mopping, vacuuming. If you've landed a good cleaning job, there's an important bit of information they'll tell you starting out. If you've landed a bad cleaning job, you'll have to figure it out for yourself: if you stick to the daily routine you've been given, the area you're responsible for cleaning is going to look terrible. Your corners and ledges are going to accumulate dust. The windows will get dingy. The floors will be mostly clean, but they could be better. If your area is going to be truly clean, you need to work some things into your routine that don't need to be done every day, but that definitely need to be done. If you're in a healthy work environment, there will be some wiggle room in your schedule to work those things in. If you're not in a healthy work environment, you'll have to occasionally cut some corners in your daily routine to make them happen.

I've noticed similar patterns in the rest of my life. There are certain things that need to be done every day, or at least most days, just to keep things going. But if I were to just focus on those things all the time, my life would not be that great. I would just keep things going.

Currently reading about: soil microbes
Currently making: a dark, mysterious sweater
Next post: Tuesday, 2 April, 2019 (ish)