What I'm offering

"I've never told this to anyone before, but back when I was a janitor I figured out that if you pull sharply backward and slightly upward on your vacuum cleaner, it puts a little downward pressure on the brushes, and they pick up better if you have a stubborn patch of dirt to clean up."

I had just finished vacuuming, twelve years after the last time I worked as a janitor, and I was still using the same little trick I had taught myself. But unlike all those other times, I decided to put what I a was doing into words and share it with my husband.

He was more enthused than I thought he'd be. "What?! That makes so much sense! This is a game-changer! Why have you never told anyone about this?!"

"I don't know, it just never came up. People don't have conversations about vacuuming very often."

This was one of several clues that certain parts of the life I've put together might be useful to a wider circle of people than the ones I talk to every day. Another was my husband's repeated insistence that I need to write a book. Or a paper. Or an essay. Or something. Yes, that's a pretty blatant one, but I don't always catch on right away. It at least persuaded me to start keeping a journal. I figured that depending on how that went, it would either prove him very right or very wrong. Yet another was the friends and relatives who specifically ask me what science topics I'm reading about at the moment. I've made previous attempts to share the information I gather about health and nutrition from a biochemical perspective, but it was only a few months ago that I started to realize what kind of an impact it might have had on people.

Because I have been given the opportunity for a rich, full life, I'm often looking for things I can offer in return. Over time I've collected knowledge, experiences, and thoughts. I've developed ways of approaching my life and my world. And the clues are piling up that what is useful or meaningful to me might be so to someone else.

Happy equinox, everyone!

Next post: 30 September, 2018

Edit: I moved back the date of my next post.