Desire and knowledge

I have made a few attempts at writing (for a potential audience) before now. It always ends with the asshole voice in my head asking questions like, "What do you really hope to accomplish here?" or "Who really cares, anyway?" I don't want this attempt to end that way, but those uncomfortable questions haven't stopped.

A few days ago, a question popped into my head: "What do you wish more people knew about you?" I'm not sure where it came from, but it's a question I'd like to ask more people more often. I think it could reveal some interesting things about them. It doesn't exactly reveal a truth, because what we want people to know doesn't always correlate to what is true. But it doesn't exactly reveal a wish, because wanting people to know something suggests that it already has some connection to reality.

I asked my husband this question, and I was pleased to find out that what he wishes more people knew about him, I did know. But then I decided to try that question out on myself. It's something I'd never thought about before, and I realized something interesting, and a little sad. The thing I wish more people knew about me is something that I don't think anybody knows. Some people know parts of it, but I don't think anyone knows the whole thing.

Now this attempt at writing has an advantage over the others. This time I know that there is something I want known. If I never figure out how to state it explicitly, maybe I can surround it in a border of expression and eventually imply it.

And if any of you ever want to tell me what you wish more people knew about you, I will listen.

Currently reading about: metabolic stress

Currently making: Tom Baker Doctor Who scarves

Next post: Saturday, 9 February, 2019

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