
Overall, my husband found what I had to share about programmed cell death to be very interesting, but he had a few observations. "When you say 'protein,' I think about meat. I think 'amino acids' are kind of like vitamins? I sort of know what a 'catalyst' is, but the 'enzyme' just makes me think about saliva."

I don't want to bog down my sciencey posts by stopping to explain everything from the ground up. But I do want them to be understood. So as I go along, I'm going to try to identify terms and concepts that a person really needs to grasp to get anything out of what I'm writing, and then give them their own page that I can link to as needed. I'm going to label them "primers" and include the word "primer" in the title so they can be easily found and identified.

So far I have written primers for amino acids and proteins and catalysts and enzymes. I have edited the post about programmed cell death to link to those pages.

Please keep in mind that I'm not an expert in what people do and don't know. I'm open to suggestions for topics that need a primer. Right now those suggestions are coming from my husband, but there's no reason why he needs to be the only one.

Next post: Thursday, 15 November, 2018 (ish)

In the meantime, please enjoy this glass of hydrogen peroxide solution (I was a bad chemist; I didn't label it!):

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